How the New Energy Abundance Upends Global Politics and Strengthens America’s Power
How the New Energy Abundance Upends Global Politics and Strengthens America’s Power
In today’s age of tumultuous global affairs, many people look to leaders, history, or religion to explain current events. Meghan O’Sullivan explains with clarity and precision how energy always has been – and will continue to be – a major driver of foreign policy and national security. Windfall explores how the stunning recent changes in energy markets are transforming international affairs. How the ongoing revolution in energy – in oil and gas, but also renewables – unfolds will shape foreign affairs much more than other policy issues that receive more attention.
O’Sullivan takes the reader through the complex and fascinating factors that led to lower prices at the gasoline pump. American entrepreneurs made it possible to bring to market huge volumes of oil and natural gas that had long been thought too expensive to produce. The special characteristics of these new resources disrupted OPEC’s mode of managing oil markets. Together, U.S. innovation and Saudi calculations resulted in the massive and enduring plunge in oil and natural gas prices the world witnessed beginning in 2014.
While price has been the most eye-catching element of this energy revolution, the impact of recent changes go far beyond price. The boom in American energy resources – which could eventually extend to other parts of the world – has changed the structure of energy markets in critical ways. Markets, opposed to cartels, are more important than they have been in more than a century in bringing oil supply and demand together. Natural gas markets used to be segmented, with little gas flowing between different regions of the world; today, thanks to new resources and new technologies, a more integrated, fluid natural gas market is emerging. In short, in the span of a few short years, energy markets now favor consumers over producers, rather than the opposite.
Energy independence has long been America’s unfulfilled dream. Every U.S. president since Richard Nixon has declared with passion his intention to deliver a different energy future to the country. Thanks to markets much more than policy, this age of energy abundance has finally arrived. This changed reality brings not only economic benefits, but also geopolitical ones.
Yet, the benefits to the United States in the international realm are not – for the most part – the ones that most anticipate. For instance, greater American energy prowess will not relieve the United States of costly and controversial involvement in the Middle East. The advantages that accrue to America are, instead, more subtle, but no less consequential. The new energy abundance provides the United States with new sources of hard and soft power, new opportunities for collaboration abroad, and another shot at strengthening the international order which has served this country and others so well for the last seventy years. Moreover, contrary to conventional wisdom, the energy boom in oil and gas opens some doors for the United States to better address climate change.
Every country and region of the world has been touched by the new energy environment, even though, for the moment, the boom in new oil and natural gas largely stems from North America. The change in energy markets – and the shift from perceived scarcity to actual abundance – has altered the strategic calculations of the world’s power centers.
Given the transformative impact of energy on foreign affairs, the new energy abundance should spur policymakers worldwide to refashion their national strategies. Nowhere is this more the case than in the United States. Long accustomed to viewing energy as a strategic vulnerability, American policymakers have been slow to capitalize on the strategic benefits the energy boom has to offer. The Trump administration has focused squarely onincreasing oil and natural gas production, but the new energy environment begs for a much broader set of actions: